Graduating with an engineering degree from the Ecole Centrale of Lyon, François began his career as a research engineer at EGIS to carry out mobility studies. His functions within Egis led him to management responsibilities (Head of the Parisian team in charge of mobility studies) and business responsibilities (Head of Traffic Engineering). During his career with EGIS, he carried out several international missions (Canada, South Korea, Malaysia, Slovakia, etc.), and participated in the first developments of the Ile-de-France traffic model (“Modus” ) for the DRIEA, and … meet ALYCE, its mobility data provider.
It was at the very beginning of 2018 that François joined ALYCE, first as Director of Innovation, to support the digital transition of the company, and subsequently as the Deputy Managing Director.
Today, he co-leads ALYCE with Ismaël HACHEM, founder and manager of the company, forming a perfectly complementary pair. More specifically, he deals with everything related to R&D, processing and development data, and more generally everything that requires expertise in traffic engineering. He also supports the monitoring of the administrative and financial activity of the company. Among his many duties, Francois handles many major accounts as an essential piece to customer activities and success.
François, eager to share his knowledge, also has a role as a trainer within the Ecole des Ponts:
- Coordinator of the “Travel Modeling” training module for roughly ten years,
- Trainer within the framework of the training modules “data collection, diagnosis and exploitation methods – basic tools and techniques” and “carrying out travel surveys”.
François thus has 30 years of experience in the field of mobility: in engineering, in management, … which he puts to use serving the ALYCE mission on a daily basis.