ALYCE, winner of the call for projects "Companies Committed to the Ecological Transition"

On 17 May, the Minister for Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, together with Bruno Le Maire, Minister for the Economy, Finance and Recovery, and Alain Griset, Minister Delegate for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, unveiled the results of the "Companies Committed to the Ecological Transition" call for projects.


What is the CCET call for projects?

This call for projects aimed at French SMEs selected 134 companies to help them market innovative, environmentally friendly products and solutions for which the development phase has been completed.

How? By giving them a budget of 100,000 euros in the form of a grant. Two-thirds of the winning companies are financed for the first time by ADEME.

The winning projects mainly target the building, transport and mobility sectors and the circular economy, but also renewable energy, water management, eco-efficient agriculture and industry.

How is ALYCE committed to ecology?

All of ALYCE's skills have been mobilised to meet this major challenge by creating an innovative solution for cities committed to a sustainable approach.  

This overall system allows for real-time and permanent monitoring:

  • Of traffic flows
  • Of the environment

By combining hardware, software and dataprocessing techniques, ALYCE offers communities a new hybrid model between a traffic control station and a climate monitoring system.  

ALYCE, recognised for the second time for this project*, is proud to be one of these 134 winners and supports its desire to create ever more innovative solutions for tomorrow's mobility, but above all, respectful of the environment. 

 Find the press release on the website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition

This project was supported by the ADEME in the framework of France Relance

* ALYCE, winner in 2018 of the "Investment for the Future" innovation competition. This competition, launched by ADEME, was aimed at the development of innovations in the field of the sustainable city / smart-city.

Picture of ALYCE

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